Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Christmas in schools

The subject of Christmas in schools is a commonly debated topic. People state that even though Christianity might be the prodemonint religion, its must not be forced on minorities by having it in chools. It used to be called "Christmas Break" then it was "holiday break", that second one still didn't please all minorities so now it is called " Winter Break. Some parents are filing law suits against schools that prohibit any type of expression of christmas cheer in any way. Parents are fighting against this with rage that children's voices are being silenced, and they are unable to feel happy for a holiday. Christianity may be the most common religion in America, but i think people should have the right o express other religous beliefs without being pressured by christians. The holiday of Christmas may spread cheer through most people as the best holiday in the world, but others believe taht their respective holidays should be respected as well
2 pages
Strom, Ron " District Prohibits Christmas Colors". World Net daily. 15 December 2004. 3 March 2009

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