The Sudanese president is going to be charged with counts of genocide and crimes against humanity by the Icc. This man has been splitting the culture of Darfur wiht large conflicts between groups of people. This conflict has been going on for a while,a dn is cery violent, and filled with hate. The two sides of the fighting have no intentions of stopping and are still battling today. The president Hassan Al Bashir is being indicted on such crimes that will remove him from office and help end this cultural warfare. The ofiicals of Sudan are implementing very strict security orders trying to protect the presidet. They are trying to convey total innocense, and have been hiding the evidence. The U.S. is torn by this tradegy in our cultue because we are protrayed as the world police and if we don't intervene, other crimanls will fell free to roam about. The U.S.'s culture remains strictly on saving human lives, but intervening on this genocide would create massive casualties of the U.S. as well.
3 pages
Wadhams, Nick "Sudan Braces for an indictment of its president over Darfur". March 3 2009. March 3 2009,8599,1882751,00.html