Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Steve Prefontaine

I read a 168 story on on of America's running legends Steve Prefontaine. He was on of the greatest runners in American history. Steve became the first athlete to win four NCAA titles in one event. Every single year he kept on winning and that is why everybody loved him. He grew up in a small town in Oregon and fought for every accolade he obtained. He set state recors in almost every single event he raced in. He went on to the university of Oregon to pursue his dreams of running greatness. Instead of accepting sponsoships from companies he stayed as amatuer and fight for what he felt American amatuer athletes deserved. One night after a party Steve crashed his sports car putting and abrupt end to his five year reign as the best runner in America. Thos five years that he ran he made an everlasting impact on the running community to this day. I learned from this book that you shouldn't take life forgranted because even when life is all good you can lose everything so fast. This story also taught me to never give up and keep going to try and get better every day, because that is what made Steve Prefontaine one of the best runners ever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dear cole
i would like your blog more if it wasnt entireley sports. mine has a very nice variety if i do say so myself:]
